API Documentation
We offer a free REST based search API to anyone that wants to access public volunteering opportunities from the VolunteerConnector Platform.
The API endpoint is available here: https://www.volunteerconnector.org/api/search/
The search API supports all GET parameters available on our home page search. For example: https://www.volunteerconnector.org/api/search/?cc=64&ac=5&ac=131&ac=59
The search API responds with a JSON formatted list of volunteering opportunities that match the request parameters.
An example response:
{ "count": 12, "next": "https://www.volunteerconnector.org/api/search/?ac=5&ac=131&ac=59&cc=64&page=2", "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 1234, "url": "https://www.volunteerconnector.org/example/opportunity", "title": "Example Opportunity, "description": "A Description of the opportunity. May contain HTML", "remote_or_online": false, "organization": { "name": "Example Organization", "logo": "//www.volunteerconnector.org/content/propellus/volunteer/organization-profile/logo/example-logo.png", "url": "https://www.volunteerconnector.org/example/organization" }, "activities": [{ "name": "Advocacy", "category": "Legal" }], "dates": "Ongoing", "duration": null, "audience": { "scope": "regional", "regions": [ "Alberta" ] } }, { "id": 1235, "url": "https://www.volunteerconnector.org/example/another-opportunity", "title": "Another Example Opportunity, "description": "A Description of the opportunity. May contain HTML", "remote_or_online": true, "organization": { "name": "Another Example Organization", "logo": "//www.volunteerconnector.org/content/propellus/volunteer/organization-profile/logo/example-logo.png", "url": "https://www.volunteerconnector.org/example/organization" }, "activities": [{ "name": "Advocacy", "category": "Legal" }], "dates": "April 15, 2024 - April 17, 2024", "duration": "2-4 hours", "audience": { "scope": "local", "longitude": -113.5012354, "latitude": 53.5392976 } } ] }