DDRC - Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre of Calgary

Building Inclusive Communities:
The Developmental Disabilities Resource Centre of Calgary is a non-profit, registered charitable organization that was founded in 1952. We offer services and programs to individuals with developmental disabilities, with a focus on improving their quality of life and ensuring their voices are heard. We also provide education and resources to the general public to raise awareness, and support the inclusion of all people.
The DDRC is dedicated to including people with developmental disabilities in the community in real and meaningful ways. Real and meaningful ways means being able to attend the same school as other children and in the same classroom, securing a real job with fair wages, living in a home you can call your own, and building relationships with people of your choosing. All individuals have a right to explore and fulfill their potential, and we strive to safeguard this right each and every day.
Our Programs:
Choices - Provides community-based support to adults with developmental disabilities for employment, education, volunteering, pursuing hobbies, and building relationships. This program focuses on clients being fully included in their communities.
Participation in Academics and Career Exploration (PACE) - Provides support to adults with developmental disabilities between the ages of 18 and 25. This is a four to five year program that focuses on clients gaining further education and meaningful employment in their communities.
Integrated Living Services (ILS) - Provides support to adults with developmental disabilities who want to live independently from their guardians/parents. These individuals either live by themselves and have assistance sometimes, or live with a supportive roommate.
Comprehensive Care - Provides support to individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities or chronic conditions and their families with daily activities. This assistance can be given in the form of respite care at the individual’s home, or support services in their community.
Our Services
Learning and Leadership Centre - The Learning and Leadership Centre creates opportunities for clients to learn and develop new skills, share knowledge, gain confidence, and move closer to achieving their quality of life goals. This centre provides a positive environment to participate in meaningful learning activities including workshops, courses, self-advocacy projects, and interactive classes.
In addition to providing courses for our clients, we also provide training to businesses. Some of the courses offered include: First Aid Certification and Recertification; Occupational Health and Safety; Conflict Resolution; Creating Excellence Together (CET) Accreditation.
Resource Centre for Inclusion
The DDRC is proud to offer free Disability Awareness presentations and other community development opportunities to schools, businesses, and community groups. We also provide presentations about our programs and services to students with developmental disabilities and their parents or guardians as they prepare for the transition from high school to adult support services.
Our Vision:
Our agency believes that Calgary is more vibrant, healthy, safe, strong, and satisfying when all people are welcome, regardless of ethno-cultural background, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender, or socioeconomic class. Our agency vision embodies this concept: everyone belongs™.
The everyone belongs™ social campaign was launched on May 28, 2003 with the goal of demonstrating the importance of including people with developmental disabilities in our communities. Today, this message of inclusion remains as relevant as ever, and guides all of our work as an agency.