Hillhurst - Sunnyside Community Association
1320 5 Avenue NW
Calgary AB T2N 0S2

HSCA is a non-profit organization that operates on the leading edge of community-serving organizations in Calgary. We champion programs and initiatives that strengthen the capacity of residents to have meaningful engagement with each other and the world around them.
To achieve these goals, HSCA supports a wide variety of services and activities in Hillhurst-Sunnyside, including: community development programs for vulnerable Calgarians, affordable childcare, recreational programs, markets and events, and supporting residents in advocating for the future design of their community.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Casino - Banker Position
The role of the banker is to supervise the cash cage. This includes documenting all cash cage transactions, ensuring the security of the chips and cash in the cash cage, and holding the cashiers acco…
Casino - Chip Runner Position
The chip runner opens and closes tables, delivers chip fills from the banker to game tables, delivers credits from game tables to the banker and may assist the general manager with other duties. The …
Casino - Backup Position
The backup position will be there to support or step in for any of the Casino Volunteer Roles such as Chip Runner, Countroom Staff, Cashier, or Banker.
Please note: we are looking for volunteers …
Volunteer Cook
Love to cook? Share your creations with the Neighbour Night program to help a group of amazing residents build relationships and livelihood assets!
Neighbour Night is an informal peer support prog…
2-4 hours
/ monthly
1-4 times per month, 3 month term
Do you love working with toddlers and kids in a team environment? Consider joining Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association's Neighbour Night childminding team!
The purpose of this role is to as…
Casino - Cashier Position
The cashier's role is similar to a bank teller’s. The cashier interacts directly with casino players. Any transactions over $200 must be witnessed by the general manager, banker or cash cage advisor.…
Casino - Countroom Staff Position
Count room volunteers take on one of four possible jobs: 1. Sorter: Sorts all cash or chips by denomination (2 volunteers) 2. Counter: Counts the sorted cash or chips, by denomination (2 volunteers) …
Sign runner at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers' Market
Community Outreach
The Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers' Market runs weekly on Wednesdays from 3-7pm. To advertise the market, we put out signs throughout the neighbourhood on the day of.
We currently have a bike and buggy…
1-4 hours
/ weekly
Check-ins at 3 months
Future Positions at HSCA!
If you do not see a volunteer position posted that resonates with you, please apply for this posting to be notified about future volunteer opportunities at HSCA!