The Fresh for Life Foundation
The Fresh for Life Foundation (TFFLF) is a registered charitable organization in Calgary, Alberta. TFFLF specializes in providing Urban Art and holistic wellness-centered mentorship programs designed for youth between the ages of 14 and 24 who are in the process of transitioning into or out of the incarceration system or are at risk of criminal involvement. Our mentors are industry professionals (DJing, hip-hop/rhyme writing, and graffiti artists etc.), providing unique insight based on their own experiences as youth who were once at risk and successfully transformed their lives, demonstrating perseverance by utilizing alternative pathways to healing found within the urban art and music scene.
The mission and vision of TFFLF are centered on empowering youth within a therapeutic space that allows them to foster new interests while honing in on existing talents. The integration of holistic wellness tools into the positive TFFLF mentorships creates a rehabilitative environment that supports the youth’s mental health, positive relationships, and trauma healing. The services offered strengthen autonomy, skills building, goal setting and problem solving, with the ultimate goal of lowering recidivism.
Our mentorship is currently offered at open and closed custody (confinement) programs, an outreach school, and within the community as youth transition out of custody. Supporting our youth throughout different transitions and collaborating with community agencies is integral for effective advocacy and strengthening their natural supports.