Youth Central

Youth Central empowers youth, ages 12-18, through group-based volunteer and leadership experiences. These experiences range from committee work, event planning, short-term projects, and community volunteering. We provide a welcoming and safe environment that is driven by youth. We value meaningful and equal engagement between youth and staff, where individual strengths, ideas, and opinions are respected and encouraged.
We believe youth should volunteer and be involved in social change efforts at all levels of the community. We want youth to feel they are contributing to improving the community, they are making a difference, and their voice is heard and valued. When youth are underestimated or negatively stereotyped, their opportunities to participate in their communities are limited. Youth Central is changing this. By removing barriers, we support youth who want to give back and gain leadership experiences. This benefits youth and our greater community.
Vision: All youth participate in shaping a vibrant community.
Mission: To empower youth to find and build their communities.