Black Canadian Women In Action

The Orange Hub 10045 156 St #441B Edmonton AB T5P 2P7

Black Canadian Women in Action (operating under the acronym BCW in Action) is a bilingual, charity organization committed to making a difference in the lives of Black Canadian communities living in Western Canada. BCW in Action's vision is to promote the empowerment of Black Canadian women, girls and families in all sectors of society by building self-esteem, leadership and confidence through conferences, workshops, programs and more.

BCW in Action promotes cultural activities specific to our communities, which adds a sense of belonging to the Canadian Society. Our cultural activities include dance, poetry, art, and music, among others. By building bridges, partnerships and collaborations with other communities and organizations, BCW advances the cause of Black women, girls and their families, and encourages them to be recognized for their contributions to Canadian Society.

BCW in Action determined that Black businesses are a viable and undervalued market, and therefore established its business entity; Black Canadian Businesses in Action, (operating under its acronym BCB in Action).
BCB in Action brings together entrepreneurs and professionals to provide them with opportunities to develop personally and professionally through advocacy, education, leadership, networking, skills building, economic empowerment and programs. BCB in Action aims to be the leader in building a strong Black business community in Western Canada. We support, promote and empower Black entrepreneurs to innovate and conquer national and international markets.