Peculiar Childcare Support (PCCS)

We are a nonprofit organization (NPO/NGO) serving to transform lives of vulnerable children and young adults living in poorest Slum Villages and Remote communities of UGANDA (East Africa). The organization has a targeted focus upon providing access to education, healthcare, skills development, community outreach, discipleship and leadership training. All projects are community based and they are geared towards sustainability.
We operate a nursery and primary school educating and feeding children of age 3 to 12 years. Most of them come from broken families, some are orphans, abandoned and others from poor homes. We endeavor to meet their physical, social and spiritual needs, as part of our holistic approach to childcare and empowerment
We also provide and empower the young adults in communities through mentorship, discipleship, leadership training, Vocational Skills in fashion and design, hairdressing, computer skills and sensitize them about the current dangers of (HIV/AIDS and Early pregnancy), Breaking the York of vulnerability to a successful and desirable life so as to eradicate poverty in the community and envision a world where girls and young women get to reach and tap into their full potential and develop into economically independent, empowered young adults who can fully contribute to their families and community.
Working with mission teams and generous friends, we reach various vulnerable communities across Uganda with aid and Christ-centered healthcare programs empowering individuals and communities to attain and sustain a higher quality of life through holistic care. We share the hope of Jesus Christ and providing access to daily needs through Mission Outreach programs.
We know that International Mission Work is not for everyone. However, our school is always in need of volunteers. Maybe you feel called to lead a medical team wishing to gain field experience and help beyond your neighborhood! Maybe you are a Teacher willing to help with your skills, more tools and ideas to reach our students in new ways. Come hold a workshop! Maybe you are a builder or contractor with tools, techniques, and expertise that will enable us to build our new classrooms and toilet plus renovations faster! Maybe you just love kids and want to come shows our kids they are valuable! We welcome any and all visitors. We know that stepping outside of your comfort zone will change your life forever. Maybe you can help us achieve our mission in a personal way.