Activities involved
ESL Support or Instruction
  • Flexible in schedule

Volunteer Tutors Needed

1635 Bertram Street, Kelowna, BC, V1Y 2G5 [map]
Throughout our 38 plus years of operation, hundreds of dedicated members of our community have stepped forward to volunteer as tutors to ensure that literacy assistance is available to all adults who require it. The commitment of these men and women provides the foundation of sustainability upon which Project Literacy operates. They are our front-line workers, the backbone of this organization, without which we would fade away. At any given time we have more than 100 active tutor-learner matches.

During this last fiscal year we have found that the caliber of our tutors fortunately continues to improve steadily – matching increasingly complex learner needs. Our community of tutors is comprised of university students, teachers, professionals, trades people, and retired persons. Many have ESL training and experience.

Project Literacy tutors are enthusiastic, empathetic, and patient volunteers with a sense of commitment towards their work and other people. They have good communication skills, a strong academic background and the ability to be flexible in responding to individual learner needs.
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
Tutors tell us that they receive as much benefit as they give. They feel a great sense of satisfaction from doing their part to ensure that essential skills and knowledge are transferred to their fellow workers and citizens. They also appreciate opportunities to acquire new skills and competencies in adult education through on-going professional development offered by Project Literacy. Many also report that they learn as much from their students as they teach them.
Activities involved
ESL Support or Instruction
  • Flexible in schedule