St. John Ambulance Kelowna Branch

1941 Kent Road St Kelowna BC V1Y 7S6

St. John Ambulance is proud to deliver reliable and sustainable community services in accordance with the organization’s mission. These services are provided by trained volunteers who recognize and respond to community-based health and safety needs. St. John’s nationally recognized core community service programs include:

First Aid Response Services »
Trained volunteers provide first aid services at community gatherings, sporting and recreational events.

Therapy Dog Services »
Through regular visitations, St. John Therapy Dog Teams enrich the lives of the elderly and ill, as well as children, by providing unconditional love and support.

​​Youth Services »
Young Canadians are given the opportunity to learn first aid and volunteer in their communities, fostering their personal development and commitment to service.

Emergency Response »
When disaster strikes, St. John Ambulance is there to help. St. John Ambulance community-based volunteers are trained in an integrated system of first aid, CPR and health care.