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Embracing Volunteering as a Newcomer in Canada

Published: Jul 24, 2024 @ 12:00 PM

This week we welcome guest blogger Nirali Bhati.Nirali Bhate is a financial professional with a decade of corporate experience and a blend of marketing skills. Recently, Nirali moved to Canada for a better life and is passionate about writing and sharing her insights. She runs a quotes page on Instagram and loves nature, art, and music. After living in Calgary, she now calls beautiful British Columbia home. As the wife of a seafarer, she treasures family time as one of the most important things in life. 

Embracing Volunteering as a Newcomer in Canada 

Moving to a new country is both exciting and challenging. When I, Nirali, came to Canada, I was eager to immerse myself in this new world. Canada was so different from my home country, but one thing helped me settle in quickly: Volunteering. 

Starting Out 
As an immigrant, the transition to Canada was a mix of emotions. Everything was new, from the landscapes to the weather. Despite these changes, the warmth of the Canadian community stood out to me. One of the best decisions I made was to start volunteering at my child's school. I began helping with school events, and it was a wonderful way to meet other parents and teachers. Whether it was going on field trips or assisting in the classroom, each activity helped me feel more connected. 

Building Community 
Volunteering helped me understand the importance Canadians place on community service. This was different from my previous experiences and gave me a deeper appreciation for the culture here. It wasn't just about giving back; it was about becoming part of the community. 

Personal and Professional Growth 
Volunteering also benefited my professional life. This made my transition into the Canadian job market smoother. 

Making Connections 
One of the most rewarding parts of volunteering has been the relationships I've built. As the wife of a merchant navy officer, family time is precious and sometimes limited. Volunteering helped me create a support network and form friendships that have been invaluable during my husband's time away. This sense of community has made Canada feel like home. 

Encouraging Others 
I encourage other newcomers to volunteer. It helps you understand and integrate into the local culture, and it opens up opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether at schools, local charities, or community events, each volunteering opportunity is a chance to learn, grow, and contribute. 

A Journey of Discovery 
My journey from a bustling financial career in my home country to volunteering in the schools and communities of beautiful British Columbia has been one of discovery. Embracing the values of service and community has not only helped me integrate into Canadian society but has also enriched my family's life in countless ways. 

Last but not the least .....! I also discovered, an incredible resource that helps people find volunteering opportunities. Through this platform, I found a unique opportunity to write letters to pen pals. This was perfect for me because I could do it from the comfort of my home and it involved my passion for writing. Writing these letters not only allowed me to connect with others but also gave me a sense of fulfillment and purpose. 

Volunteering has been a cornerstone in my journey as an immigrant, and I encourage everyone, whether new to the country or a lifelong resident, to explore the opportunities it offers. It's a pathway to making meaningful connections and truly experiencing the heart of Canada.