Activities involved
Committee Member
Skills required
  • Work remotely

Exciting Peer Review Committee Opportunity: Contribute Your Expertise

Peer Review Committees review applications for our Community Grant Program and provide informed funding recommendations to the CIF Board of Directors. The North, Central and South Committees review applications for programs that occur within their respective regions, while the Provincial Committee reviews applications for programs that occur in more than one region, or that involve participants from throughout the province. Peer Review Committees are composed of volunteers who live in their respective regions and offer a range of knowledge and experience relevant to the CIF’s funding objectives.

Volunteer alongside energetic leaders who are passionate about their communities and have knowledge and experience with the needs of their region and the organizations who operate there.

We accept applications until November 30th each year.  Volunteers can serve on our North, Central, South, or Provincial Committee for up to three, two-year terms, beginning annually in March.
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
Volunteer alongside energetic leaders who are passionate about their communities and have knowledge and experience with the needs of their region and the organizations who operate there.
Activities involved
Committee Member
Skills required
  • Remote or online