Skills required
Bilingual File Management Leading Leading Organizing Planning Strategic Planning Supervising Volunteer Engagement
  • Work remotely
  • Flexible in schedule
  • Good for youth

Punjabi [Translation] Team Lead

6 hours
The Punjabi Team Lead will manage and guide a department of volunteer translators working to lower language barriers to mental health information. The importance and impact of mental health are only nascent topics of discussion, especially among immigrant and non-English-speaking communities. Healthcare information is often technical and accurate translations are critical to effectively benefitting communities.

Translated documents will include:
• Consent forms
• Reports
• Information web pages
• Articles
• Blogs

Responsibilities and tasks:
• Chair and organize the language department's meetings
• Review, edit, and assess the quality of final translation drafts
• Liaise between Translators, Reviewers, and the Executive Team
• Hold Translators and Reviewers accountable to deadlines and quality, regularly following up with progress
• Maintain clear and active communication
• Stay up to date with translation guidelines in English and all other languages

General requirements
• Extensive knowledge in the grammatical and formal use of English and secondary language(s)
• Significant time management and commitment
• Excellent communication skills
• Cultural awareness and sensitivity
• Leadership skills and or experience
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
• Contribute to the mental health awareness movement
• Significant leadership experience and training 
• Engage closely with healthcare institutions
• Use bilingual assets to help communities
• Refine and train existing language skills
• Networking opportunities 
• Recommendation letters upon request
• Volunteering hours
Skills required
Bilingual File Management Leading Leading Organizing Planning Strategic Planning Supervising Volunteer Engagement
  • Remote or online
  • Flexible in schedule
  • Good for youth