New Listing

Casino - Banker Position

ACE Casino Airport - 40 Aero Crescent NE, Calgary, AB, t2e6w5 [map]
The role of the banker is to supervise the cash cage. This includes documenting all cash cage transactions, ensuring the security of the chips and cash in the cash cage, and holding the cashiers accountable for the chips and cash they manage while on duty. The banker reports to the general manager and is responsible for cashiers and chip runners. (worker application needs to be completed)

Please note:  We are looking for volunteers on April 25th from 7:00pm-3:45am and April 26th from 11:00am-7:15pm.
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
The chance to help raise money for HSCA as a nonprofit, and to contribute to a fun volunteering opportunity!  Additionally, volunteer experience to add to a resume and a reference.