Casino - Countroom Staff Position
ACE Casino Airport - 40 Aero Crescent NE, Calgary, AB, t2e6w5
Count room volunteers take on one of four possible jobs: 1. Sorter: Sorts all cash or chips by denomination (2 volunteers) 2. Counter: Counts the sorted cash or chips, by denomination (2 volunteers) 3. Recorder: Records the number of bills, coins, and chips counted (2 volunteers) 4. Amalgamator (1 volunteer) Verifies the cash or chips counted and groups them into bundles and summarizes the cash and chips with the count room supervisor. Please note: We are looking for 2 volunteers on April 25th from 11:00pm-3:45am.
Why should you volunteer for this opportunity?
The chance to help raise money for HSCA as a nonprofit, and to contribute to a fun volunteering opportunity! Additionally, volunteer experience to add to a resume and a reference.