Autism Today Foundation

The common thread that links all parents in the world is the question:
"What happens to your child when you die?"
This rings even more true for parents of children that struggle somehow in life.
The Autism Today Foundation provides support for all people touched by autism and neurodiversity AND showcases the greatness that exists in all human beings to provide inspiration, hope, and a Spectrum of Solutions for those that need it. Together, we will help teach the world to better See, Hear, Understand, Value and Appreciate* the strengths, gifts and talents that exist in each of us.
We do this through our Autism Today Channel, ARTS Network and Learning and Education Division.
Autism Today is a neutral media hub that connects the people seeking solutions with the businesses, products, and services best designed to address their unique situations and we provide this to the world for FREE.
To learn more about how we are changing the world or to take advantage of our free resources such as the latest issue of The Autism Digest Magazine, please visit and sign up for free at Autism Today.com