Rhythm of Life Society

The Rhythm of Life Society is a charitable foundation based in British Columbia, Canada. Our vision is a world in which the transformative power of music and fitness elevates the health of all peoples.
Our initial pilot project, titled Drum Run Adventure Tour, was a running and drumming tour throughout B.C. held in partnership with the BC Children's Hospital Foundation. Drum Run launched on September 10th, 2023. The 'Drum' part of Drum Run took place in Community Drum Circles held in over 20 cities along the tour route throughout B.C. The 'Run' part of Drum Run involved our founder, Lyle Povah, running over 1,500 km of the tour route.
The completion of the tour mid November 2023 signaled the move into our second phase.
*Now in 2024 we will be helping build community health locally, providing drum circles and running events for all to participate within the Metro Vancouver area.
For more information please visit our website at www.drumrun.org